In the middle of it all, I am pleased to share an invitation for my upcoming group show titled ‘Both: Inwards and Out There’ at L.L. Contemporary in Toronto, Canada.
It’s a particular pleasure to show alongside my friends from the RCA. The show is on from 4th until 25th August.
Here is a short excerpt from the press release:
As an immaterial, yet therefore possibly even more real base for one’s search in painting, feeling and intuition are at the core of these artists sensitivities. Regardless whether figurative or leaning towards abstraction, these works simultaneously display and conceal in balance of both directions - within and out there: transforming one’s subjectivity with an urge or calling to formulate these sensations accurately and with honest dedication to their perceived nature.
Works of all these artists are sensitive responses to the lived complexities, in essence ungraspable and fleeting. Incomprehensible but real, incomprehensible but existing, standing right before one's (half opened, half closed) eyes.Painting then is the other time made visible and simultaneously hidden.
Both, inwards and out there.
Both: Inwards and Out There
7 artists from RCA London
Soryun Ahn, Beth Cowey, Tobias Francis, Felicity Nutt, Yiwen Liu, Toby Rainbird, Jan Valik
L.L. Contemporary
4th - 25th August 2024
Unit 2, 95 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1L4