It is with a great pleasure to invite you for an upcoming exhibition.
Titled OVERSPILL, this show in joint curation of Jo Mason and Jan Valik presents works of 15 artists for whom painting in its breadth and depth is the predominant mode of expression and creative thinking.
The concept of the exhibition gravitates around the topics of boundaries and the ownership of space. Widely open for interpretations and ranging from more reflective or expressively abstract approaches to detailed and narrative ones, it is a timely gathering of mostly London-based artists facing individually as well as in a larger sense collectively shared times of demanding uncertainties where easy solutions are inexistent and rich with boundary associations themselves.
Exhibited works offer a certain pool of subjective insights into the respective practices of the artists rather than comprehensively exhaust the question of space and boundaries.
group exhibition
PV on Wednesday 19th October, 6-10 pm
19th Oct - 13th Nov
Terrace Gallery, Patchworks
285 Church Road, London E10 7JQ
Sophie Birch @bophiesmirch
Chengwei Geng @sunnymakingart
Annice Fell @annicecfell
Ross Head @rossmhead
Günther Herbst @guntherdh63
Timothy Hyman @timothy_hyman
Iwan Lewis @iwan.lewis
Jo Mason @jomasonartist
Efrat Merin @efratmerin
Catherine Parsonage @cathparsonage
Phillip Reeves @phillipreeves_
Diane Rogan @dianejrogan
Cat Roissetter @catroissetterart
Sukey Sleeper @sukeysleeper
Jan Valik @janvalik_now
About Terrace Gallery
Terrace first opened in 2004 as an artist run Gallery in Hackney and showed works from Artists including Tessa Farmer, Neil Gall, Clyde Hopkins, Annie Kevans, David Leapman, Eddie Peake and Michael Samuels until it closed in 2007. Later that year Terrace re-opened in an outdoor reclaimed wasteland near the former Gallery. Artists were invited to submit work, which was exhibited for one day; the work was then left outside to decay in situ for a year, until the following year when further submissions were added to the show. Over the following 6 years, more than 300 works by 162 Artists were exhibited and a catalogue was produced in 2014 to mark Terrace's closure.
In September 2019 Karl Bielik restarted Terrace Gallery in the back room of The William the Fourth Pub in Leyton where some 22 shows were shown in just under 3 Covid hit years. In August 2022 Terrace moved to Patchworks in Leyton, London.